How to work with the data represented according to an ontology?

DataVera EKG Explorer is an interface for working with the data contained in the DataVera EKG Provider. These data are structured according to an ontology. There are several features of such data comparing to the common relational DBs:

  • Each object can be a member of several classes, i.e. it can have several entity types at once. For example, an object describing a person can be a member of the "Person" and "Individual enterpreneur" classes.
  • Each property of each object can have several values, if there is no restrictions on the number of property values. For example, a person can have several phone numbers, and a company can participate in several projects.
  • Each string property can be annotated with the language tag. This allows storing multi-lingual data.
  • Each property can be applied to the objects of the several clases. For example, the persons can have address as well as the companies.
  • Entity types (classes) are structured in the superclass-subclass hierarchies. For example, a LLC is a subset of companies, so the "Company" can be a superclass for "LLC" class.
  • The set of the properties which values an object can have is assembled by inheriting properties applicable to all object's classes and their superclasses.

We have developed DataVera EKG Explorer as an interface which allows using all the ontological data models features, and simplify it for a user. DataVera EKG Explorer allows editing and exploring of the data stored in the Enterprise Knowledge Graph hosted by the DataVera EKG Provider.

DataVera EKG Explorer functions

The DataVera EKG Explorer user interface is shown on the next picture:

DataVera EKG Explorer Interface

DataVera EKG Explorer supports the following functions:

  • Viewing the objects of a selected class, filtering and sorting, columns selection
  • Exporting objects matching filter criteria to Excel
  • Importing modified objects from Excel
  • Creating, updating, deleting data objects according to the above listed ontology data model features
  • Viewing data quality metrics for a chosen class. Filtering objects violating data quality rules
  • Displaying object changes history, constraints violation, inference rules execution result.